Ebrei di Rodi. Eclissi di una Comunità. 1944-2024

Screening of excerpts from CDEC Foundation interviews conducted for the "Archivio della Memoria" project

The arrival at Auschwitz
Interview with Alberto Israel by Marcello Pezzetti, Brussels, n.d., CDEC Foundation Archive, Archivio della Memoria.

Alberto Israel recalls his arrival at Auschwitz together with his family, how following his father’s instinct he is moved from the row of the selected, thus having to separate from the figure who personifies the safest place in his world.



The Recurring Selections
Interview with Matilde Cohen by Marcello Pezzetti, Brussels, May 11th, 2004, CDEC Foundation Archive, Archivio della Memoria.

Matilde Cohen recalls the recurring selections in the camp. She and her companions understood that they had to prove themselves strong and able to work. She remembers a healthy girl being selected asking for help, but who could have helped her?


The Arrest
Interview with Stella Levi by Liliana Picciotto, New York, 2007, CDEC Foundation Archive, Archivio della Memoria.

Stella Levi recalls her personal story related to the arrest of the men and women of Rhodes, powerfully shedding light on the deception and surprise in the operation devised by the Nazis.



The Tattoo
Interview with Rachele Alhadeff by Marcello Pezzetti, Brussels, May 9th, 2004, CDEC Foundation Archive, Archivio della Memoria.

Rachele Alhadeff recalls the last step in the process of entering the camp after the first selection. The tattooing of the camp serial number is done with a syringe filled with ink going deep in the skin. After the war she will decide not to remove it.



“Luck” in Auschwitz
Interview with Alice Tarica by Marcello Pezzetti, Brussels, May 10th, 2004, CDEC Foundation Archive, Archivio della Memoria.

Alice Tarica recalls two episodes in which she escaped death, losing her first and then her second sister, being left alone at the age of thirteen. Faced with the death of her first sister, she recalls her first reaction: how do I tell mom?


© Archivio Fondazione CDEC
Video editing by Forma International

Per esplorare il monumento

I nomi, elencati in ordine alfabetico, sono suddivisi in 10 fasce orizzontali corrispondenti all’età raggiunta al 23 luglio 1944 per comprendere la composizione demografica della comunità: 0-9 anni | 10-19 anni | 20-29 anni | 30-39 anni | 40-49 anni | 50-59 anni | 60-69 anni | 70-79 anni | 80-89 anni | età non conosciuta.

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