Jews of Rhodes. Eclipse of a Community. 1944-2024

No photos available
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Place and date of Birth: –, —
Place and date of death: –, —

Age reached on 23 July 1944:
Arrest place:
Camp serial number:
Fate: Survivor


No photos available
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No documents available
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This portal is part of the project ‘Jews of Rhodes. Eclipse of a Community 1944-2024’, which presents years of research by the CDEC Foundation into the deportation of Jews from the Italian Possessions in the Aegean, marking its 80th anniversary.

A project:

Main partner:


Yad Vashem

Technical partner:

Under the patronage of:

© 2025 Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea CDEC ETS. All Rights Reserved.

Public history

Il progetto “Ebrei di Rodi. Eclissi di una comunità 1944-2024” è stato concepito come cantiere di ricerca e di studio “aperto”, per accogliere il contributo di tutti coloro che vorranno partecipare ad arricchirlo.

Potete segnalarci il vostro interesse a contribuire al progetto, inviando i vostri dati e una breve descrizione della documentazione posseduta tramite la compilazione del modulo sotto riportato.

Eventuali documenti storici, fotografie, testimonianze e memorie sulla storia e le vicende della Comunità ebraica di Rodi e Coo nella prima metà del Novecento, durante il periodo della dominazione italiana, potranno così entrare a far parte della ricerca e dell’archivio della Fondazione CDEC.

Vi ringraziamo fin d’ora per la partecipazione.

Ai sensi dell’Art. 13 del GDPR (679/2016), Regolamento Europeo sul trattamento dei dati personali, esprimo il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali da me liberamente inseriti nel form opportunamente predisposto sul vostro sito, per la finalità di raccolta del materiale afferente il progetto “Ebrei di Rodi. Eclissi di una comunità 1944-2024”. Ferma restando la possibilità di esercitare in qualsiasi momento i miei diritti in qualità di interessato così come espressamente previsto dagli Artt. 15-22 del GDPR (679/2016) esplicitati dall’informativa presente su questo sito e a cui si rimanda.

Public history

The concept behind ‘Jews of Rhodes. Eclipse of a Community 1944-2024’ is to set up an ongoing and ‘open’ study and research project, welcoming contributions from all those who can take part and enrich its legacy.

You can signal your interest in contributing to the project, and send us your data and a brief description of the materials in your possession, by completing the form below.

Any historical documents, photographs, eyewitness accounts and recollections of the history and experiences of the Jewish community of Rhodes and Kos in the first half of the 20th century, during the period of Italian rule, will thus become part of the research and archival domain of the CDEC Foundation.

We thank you in advance for taking part.

In accordance with Art. 4 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data which I have voluntarily submitted by completing the form provided for that purpose on your website, whose objective is to collect materials related to the project ‘Jews of Rhodes. Eclipse of a community 1944-2024’. I reserve the right to exercise at any time my rights as the data subject, as expressly provided for under Art. 15-21 of the GDPR and detailed in full in the privacy notice published on this website, to which reference should be made. “Ebrei di Rodi. Eclissi di una comunità 1944-2024”.

Exploring the Monument

The names, listed in alphabetical order, are arranged in 10 horizontal layers corresponding to their ages on 23 July 1944, thus visualizing the demographic makeup of the community: 0-9 years | 10-19 years | 20-29 years | 30-39 years | 40-49 years | 50-59 years | 60-69 years | 70-79 years | 80-89 years | age unknown.

The names of those who survived deportation are shown in a different colour, highlighting their very limited number.

Using the zoom tool will allow you to zoom out for a broader view of the number of deportees and zoom in to see each individual name.

Use the + / – buttons to zoom in and out. Swipe or use the arrows to scroll left or right.

Hover over a name to show a text box with that person’s basic information file: the ‘learn more’ button will open the page dedicated to the name selected.

The magnifying glass icon indicates a search tool that will allow you to enter a name, which will then be highlighted on the Monument.