Jews of Rhodes. Eclipse of a Community. 1944-2024

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Exploring the Monument

The names, listed in alphabetical order, are arranged in 10 horizontal layers corresponding to their ages on 23 July 1944, thus visualizing the demographic makeup of the community: 0-9 years | 10-19 years | 20-29 years | 30-39 years | 40-49 years | 50-59 years | 60-69 years | 70-79 years | 80-89 years | age unknown.

The names of those who survived deportation are shown in a different colour, highlighting their very limited number.

Using the zoom tool will allow you to zoom out for a broader view of the number of deportees and zoom in to see each individual name.

Use the + / – buttons to zoom in and out. Swipe or use the arrows to scroll left or right.

Hover over a name to show a text box with that person’s basic information file: the ‘learn more’ button will open the page dedicated to the name selected.

The magnifying glass icon indicates a search tool that will allow you to enter a name, which will then be highlighted on the Monument.